A little history...

Some people today are very confused about what America stands for…so let’s go over a few facts.

The very first freedom enshrined in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is the freedom of religion—and freedom from government dictating one’s religion. It is the reason the Pilgrims left England. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

Known as the establishment clause, these words mean the government cannot establish an official religion. It cannot favor one religion over another. And it cannot put religion above non-religion, or vice versa.

So when the National Association of Christian Lawmakers says they’re trying to “restore the Judeo-Christian foundation of our nation,” they’re just wrong.

And when Ryan Walters, Oklahoma’s superintendent of public instruction, says the Bible must be taught in public schools because the Bible is the source of the “foundational principles of our Constitution,” wrong again.

In the words of Pamela Paul, “Your religious values are not American values.”

What America actually values is individual religious freedom. It is anti-American to force your beliefs on others.